Review of the Literature
Guided by the topic area that you have identified, conduct a review of the literature in order to, 1) further define and explain the condition / situation you have identified, and 2) discuss the historical significance of the condition / situation (i.g. what has led up to the current circumstance?), and 3) investigate approaches documented in the literature to address and/or remediate the condition / circumstance you have identified. The literature review should inform your understanding of the condition / situation as well as help you to formulate a plan of remediation / correction. It should contain ample references to demonstrate a thorough review of the salient literature on the topic. Studies should be cited throughout the paper as appropriate and listed in the Selected Bibliography (at the end of your paper) using APA format.
Intervention Plan
After you conduct a review of the literature relevant to yourtopic of interest, you will need to identify an intervention planthat describes the strategies/remediation you will implement in order to remediate the condition / circumstance. Your strategies/remediation should demonstrate that you have a thorough understanding of content knowledge. In the intervention plan, provide a description all aspects of your plan, including the methods and strategies you will employ. Be sure your description provides a well-developed picture of all strategies and how they were implemented.
Some possible strategies / methods may incorporate one or more of the following:
The paper should discuss recent scholarly research that is relevant to the topic, why the intervention was selected and provide linkages from the theory to the topic toillustrate relevance. Be as descriptive as you can.
Provide a description of:
Intervention Effectiveness
This section should provide a thorough discussion of the methods you are using to measure the effectiveness / impact of implementing the intervention plan (participant evaluations, informal assessment of content, etc.). The evaluation methods should be appropriate to the intervention plan you are implementing. You should include a description of any instruments used (surveys, interviews, evaluations, etc.) and include them (or drafts of them) whenever possible in the appendices. Speak to all aspects of how the evaluation will take place, with whom and when.
In the Results section of your paper will l report all of the data that you have collected (e.g. evaluations, surveys, interviews). In this section, you should report the results as objectively as possible, with no interpretation. Reserve your interpretation for the Reflection section of the paper.
When reporting the results, consider the most effective ways to present the data. Do so in ways that provide clarity and context for the reader. You should utilize summary tables and graphs (bar charts, histograms, pie charts, line graphs, etc.) as appropriate. Please refer to the resource in the Moodle folder entitled, Presenting Numerical Data for guidance and ideas.
The reflection section of your paper includes your transformative reflection and addresses the conclusions you can draw from your experience. Start with the impact on the participants. Did you accomplish what you hoped to accomplish? Does that goal seem important in hindsight? What other outcomes did you see that you didn’t expect or didn’t think would be as important as they turned out to be? Reflect on what happened and how it impacted the participants including the topic of interest. While this section has some summative aspects, it is meant to be reflective, so do not simple recount what your topic of interest, the intervention you employed and the data you collected. Share with the reader what you learned from the process, how it impacted the subjects, what effect it had, and what you might do differently in the future.
Grammar, Mechanics and Format:
The Report should be grammatically error-free, follow APA guidelines and comply with the following format: