It’s a dissertation work ( 10000 wods )
Research design: Qualitative research approach.
Method: Thematic Analysis ( Braun and Clarke)
The dissertation chapters should be submitted on the provided dates as follows:
• Transcription with coding (10 participants) – 14/08/23 you need to give me the Transcription with coding of 10 peoples initially
• Methodology (2000 words) 18/08/23
Analysis (2000 words)25/08/23
Analysis (2000 words)25/08/23
• Discussion (3000 words) 2/09/23
•Conclusion (1500 words) 08/09/23
•Conclusion (1500 words) 08/09/23
• Introduction (1500 words)08/09/23
• Abstract (200wods) 08/09/23
My plan is to submit the work for corrections within those specified days, with an expe cation of receiving feedback from the supervisor. This highlights the significance of a dressing any required corrections.