➢ Font: Times New Roman 12
➢ Line spacing: 1.5
➢ Justify text
➢ Word Limit: 2500 – 3000 Words
➢ Essay Style (may have subheadings, no major sections.)
The Initial IMO GHG Strategy has been developed and implemented to reduce the GHG emissions from the Maritime Sector. This assignment is a written report on two of the most recent instruments the EEXI and CII. The report should provide an overview of the instruments, the methods of calculating them, possible implications to
ship owners, ship operators and port operators.
The report must include the following, but not limited to;
1. Provide an overview of the instruments,
2. Explain the methods of calculating these metrics,
3. Give an account of the current challenges facing ship owners and operators in implementing these instruments.
4. State and explain some of the possible challenges to Caribbean Maritime Administrations and ports because of the implementation of these instruments