‘The nature of the employment relationship is predominantly controlled by employers’. Critically discuss this statement with reference to the actors involved in the governing of the employment relationship.

Module Learning Outcomes:
This assignment is designed to assess the following module learning outcomes. Your
submission will be marked using the Grading Criteria given in the section below.
LO 1. develop a sophisticated understanding of the main changes in employment
over the last 20 years and the nature and degree of these changes which vary according
national context
LO 2. critically analyse the main conceptual issues underlying employment relations,
including issues of worker participation and industrial disputes
LO 3. critically evaluate channels of management-worker interaction, including
decentralised collective bargaining and developments in ‘employee voice’Grading Criteria / Marking Rubric
Your submission will be graded according to the following criteria:
– 90– 100 % An outstanding answer showing an excellent understanding of the issues and
methodologies; original, independent thinking informs an answer based upon rigorous
argument accurately supported by evidence derived from a wide range of source
material; could not be bettered at undergraduate level in the time available.
– 80 -89 % An answer demonstrating an excellent level of understanding of the issues and
methodologies; the answer displays independent thought, and strong and well
organised argument, using a wide range of sources.
– 70 – 79 % A first class answer showing most but not necessarily all of the above.
– 65 – 69 % An answer demonstrating very good understanding of the issues, with good
and well organised argument accurately supported by a standard range of sources.
– 60 – 64 % As above with some shortcomings but no fundamental errors.
– 55 – 59 % An answer which shows a satisfactory grasp of the main issues, familiarity
with the subject matter, some minor errors and omissions of essential material. Faithful
reproduction of material without any significant critical judgment.
– 50 – 54 % An answer which shows basic understanding of some of the issues raised by
the question, but with significant omissions and limited use of relevant material.
– 40 – 49 % Shows a skeletal grasp of some relevant issues and necessary material and/or
– 30 – 39 % Shows some evidence of grasp of materials and/or skills, but is not applied
appropriately or where relevant; there may be gross misconceptions which
nevertheless show some evidence of an elementary grasp of issues.
Understanding of key developments and practices – 35% Critical engagement with relevant concepts and debates – 35% Structure and coherence – 15% Use of appropriate resources – 15%
Attached are all lecture slides, lecture 11 being soley on this assignment.

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