The Role of Fiscal Policy in the Palestinian Economy: An Analysis of Government Expenditure and Taxation

Cite every single resource you use And don’t use AI because i can easily tell

The graphs you do the background is white and make sure they are real life data if needed ask me to get it for you and I’ll get it its okay 
Any information that is not available and seems wring or not reliable tell me I’ll get them for you and I’ll know and ask you to add something else and change the whole thing so take it seriously 
Only talk about Palestine as a whole when it comes to the data PLEASE ask me if you want data to be collected I’ll do that don’t use internet data that is not reliable or even wrong (only want west bank) 
Regression analysis should be done 
a linear between the two concepts 
Middle east (ch.11) please read it and follow its structure to do the research paper. 
Major macroeconomic indicators do not reveal any linear between sustainable economic performance and the billions of dollars in foreign aid received (Wildeman and Tartir 2014; Taghdisi-Rad 2015). To this, in this research will explore  Major macroeconomic indicators do not reveal any linear relationship between sustainable economic performance and unemployment 
 The conclusion of the senior project will reveal the no linear

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