Length: 2 pages (minimum of 2 full pages in MLA format)
Your assignment is to write a synthesis essay on a topic of your choice and approved by your instructor. You will need two sources that are articles in scholarly journals or reputable print journals.
Your task is to read the materials and then come up with a thesis. You will want to synthesize the ideas presented in the articles with your own thesis and supporting points (quote and paraphrase appropriately). This is a task that you will also be doing for your research paper, so we are practicing on a smaller scale with this essay. Include an appropriate introductory and concluding paragraph, and be sure to organize body paragraphs so the essay is a cohesive whole. Review this siteLinks to an external site. for more information and a sample synthesis essay.
Note that this is not a simple summary of the two articles; rather, you are to consider the articles ‘in conversation’ with one another and come up with a single thesis statement that gives direction to an organized, cohesive discussion synthesizing the information. See the grading guidelines below for expectations and more information on how you will be graded.