The role of students in online courses OR the role of self-motivation for academic success

Choose and answer one of the following question:

1. What is the role of students in online courses? Reflecting upon your own experience as a student on a self-paced online module and bringing in other examples from academic literature, discuss the main responsibilities of students undertaking an online module and suggest ways in which students can co-create an active learning environment.
2. What is the role of self-motivation for academic success? Explain providing examples from your own experience and from the general context of higher education.

introduction: The introduction should thoughtfully present the topic that transitions smoothly to a clear and concise thesis statement.
Organization: The essay must include well-developed paragraphs that support the thesis in a coherent manner.
Content: The topic should be researched and the author needs to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the subject. The content should develop the main thesis statement with clear examples and credible supporting evidence.
Style: The assignment should be written in academic language, which demonstrates engagement with the supporting literature.

Word limit: 700 words (+/- 10%). This does not include the cover page and reference list.
Font size: 12, 
Font type: Arial,
 Line spacing: 1.5
Number of scholarly sources: 4-5

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