English 102
Argumentative Research Paper (100 points)
Fall 2020
Thursday, July 13th __Review research essay requirements.
Thursday, July 20th –Upload your topic proposal to Canvas and tentative outline to class.
Thursday, July 20th —This is the last day of class, but you will be working on your drafts. Please set up a time to meet with a Writing Coach (10 extra credit points) or drop in and see me during office hours.
Wednesday, July 26th —Final paper is due. Upload your final paper to Canvas. No late papers will be accepted.
I. The Challenge
Select an issue that in some way affects New Orleans (I’d like you to keep it local; however, it could have global implications), one on which reasonable people have different opinions, and one that you believe you feel strongly about. You might already have something in mind, and that’s ideal; work on focusing and refining your position. If you need ideas, browse the web, newspapers, online books, blogs, etc. There are literally thousands of issues and controversies to possibly consider within each a fluid number of positions/arguments a writer can pursue. To get the gears turning, visit a database (DCC Library Online) like SIRS, Opposing Viewpoints or Global Issues in Context, and browse through their most searched topics. I’m happy to offer you input and advice on topics/arguments, but I’m not choosing for you. Again, write something that compels or provokes you, something that elicits a response. Some topics that have been done well in the past include:
• Coastal erosion and restoration
• Veterans Issues
• Homelessness
• Bicycling
• Causes of crime in New Orleans/Gun violence
• Noise ordinances
• Charter Schools
• Food desert/the food supply: something wrong with our food?
• Community organizations
• Gentrification
• The prison system
• Tourism (endless angles to take here).
• Offshore oil drilling
• Poverty
• Employment
• Housing bubble/Airbnb
• Architecture
• City Planning
• Music
• Culture
• Food
In no way are you limited to a particular topic, as long as you can make a clear argument on its behalf- that’s the key. It’s not enough to just provide information. We need to be making a claim, attempting to convince the reader that our argument/analysis is legitimate. So, take pride in choosing your topic, and remember why we write—to give form and language to our feelings and convictions, and to, through writing, come to a more intimate and thorough understanding of ourselves and of the world.
II. The Structure
This is an argumentative research paper (not unlike other assignments you’ve done so far, just with a couple more parts), meaning you will take a stance on a debatable topic and support your point of view with evidence, reasons, examples and discussion. You will formulate your argument/thesis and then use outside sources to bolster your position as you will adhere to the structure of a classical argument (which we get from the orators of Ancient Greece), your paper should contain the following:
This will be a standard introductory paragraph (or paragraphs) that introduce the topic and the position you plan to take on the topic. It should provide some (but not too much) context, grab the reader’s attention, and set the tone for your entire paper—and indeed the tone of your position. This may be longer than one paragraph if you feel it helps with the rhythm.
Thesis Statement
This is the moment in the essay where you announce your position and anticipate your major supporting reasons. While there are acceptable variations to this—like putting your thesis after your “background information” section, or even at the end of the essay—the thesis usually works best at the end of your introduction. Let your main idea come through here so that your reader knows precisely where you stand and where things are headed.
Reasons and Evidence (also known as confirmation)
This is the heart—the body—of your essay, where you will provide support for your thesis statement. You will make assertions in support of your thesis and then provide evidence/discussion (from your analysis and research efforts) to support those assertions. Devote one or two paragraphs to each supporting reason and be sure to provide critical evidence that substantiates your claims.
Counter-Argument (also known as concession)
When developing a classical argument, you must discuss the opposing position’s reasons and evidence and offer a rebuttal to these statements. This presentation assures that you are aware of and have considered the opposing point of view. We will discuss where this can happen in an essay.
This paragraph logically concludes the entire essay; it ties a knot around your ideas and revisits your main points. It is your chance to sign off, a last opportunity to wow your audience. We will discuss successful conclusions.
III. The Start
You need to be working on this now. It’s your responsibility to develop a topic and motivate yourself to work regularly on this assignment. You cannot pass 102 without a complete satisfactory research paper—no exceptions. So read and absorb everything you can regarding the topic; start a research log, gather facts; hone in on what kind of language, buzz words, reference points, sources, documents, etc. surrounding the current debates on your topics.
Generate a list of ideas and questions you might have about your topic. Your position may become clearer or you might change your stance.
In any case, you need to (relatively soon) generate your position and develop a clear argument. Once you know where you stand on the topic, you can begin developing and refining assertions in support of the thesis.
IV. The Research
• There are two kinds of documents we use when conducting research: primary and secondary. You’ll likely use secondary sources for this assignment, unless you are interviewing someone (you can do this if relevant; just cite appropriately). While primary research includes experiments, raw data, interviews, and fieldwork, secondary research includes reading what others have discovered and reported on the issue.
• Your paper will not just be a string of secondary materials smashed together. The majority of the paper will be original-your own ideas, convictions, reflections, your own argument. The research serves to develop and give credence to your position.
• Your paper should be no more than 10-15% direct quotes. You will want to use a tasteful blend of summaries, paraphrases, and direct quotations.
• Do not dump research/quotations into your essay. All direct quotes must be introduced, somehow refereed by your own language. See The Writing and Research Handbook and notes for more on integrating sources into your essay.
• For this assignment you can use block quotes (indented quotes of four lines or more), but no more than two.
• You can use books from the library, search engines, (Google Scholar is preferred), and databases for research. For this assignment, you can use dependable sources directly off the web (up to 3), but you must use books or databases for the remainder of sources. (Database sources are not “directly off the web”; they’re like the academic journals, newspapers, magazines, etc. you’d find in a library, but they are available online).
V. Some Notes on Formatting
• The essay must be at least 1800 words, and you must use at least four academic sources.
• Title should be centered. It should not be bold, underlined, italicized or in quotes—just titled.
• Heading with name on first page only, top left hand side
• Entire paper double-spaced, including Works Cited
• Do not skip extra spaces between paragraphs; just indent each new paragraph.
• No cover sheet or plastic cover
• Use 12-pt font/ Times New Roman
• Properly format Works Cited page
o Works Cited, centered. It should not be bold, underlined, italicized, or in quotes. Simply title it Works Cited.
o Double-spaced, with no extra spaces between entries.
o 1st line of each entry flushed to left margin. If more than one line all subsequent lines are indented (hanging indent).
o Organized alphabetically by first letter in entry. (Author’s last name, title, whatever happens to be first.
Happy Research and Composition!