First, watch Dr. Carol Dweck’s influential TED Talk (~10 mins)
Be sure to include the following for full credit:
~Incorporate Dr. Dweck’s specific terminology and concepts (including but not limited to: fixed
mindset, growth mindset)
~Apply at least one specific example of her research in your paper that relates to your own
narrative. Be clear how the research example informs or enhances your understanding of your
own experience. Include timestamps as citations like this: (Dweck, 8:52). That citation indicates
an example at the 8 minute, 52 second mark of the video. Make sure your points are well
explained and supported with timestamp evidence.
~Reflect on how you respond to academic setbacks using a specific example (e.g. not getting
the grade you wanted, failing a test/class, having school be easy until it wasn’t, receiving
constructive but difficult to hear feedback, your experience being labeled in a particular way by
teachers, parents, etc.)
~Incorporate Dr. Dweck’s specific terminology and concepts (including but not limited to: fixed
mindset, growth mindset)
~Apply at least one specific example of her research in your paper that relates to your own
narrative. Be clear how the research example informs or enhances your understanding of your
own experience. Include timestamps as citations like this: (Dweck, 8:52). That citation indicates
an example at the 8 minute, 52 second mark of the video. Make sure your points are well
explained and supported with timestamp evidence.
~Reflect on how you respond to academic setbacks using a specific example (e.g. not getting
the grade you wanted, failing a test/class, having school be easy until it wasn’t, receiving
constructive but difficult to hear feedback, your experience being labeled in a particular way by
teachers, parents, etc.)