My research question is ‘How do leaders and support
teachers understand how distributed leadership affects Special Educational
Needs provision in schools in Ireland?’
Theories are developed by researchers to explain phenomena, draw
connections and make predictions. They are based on existing knowledge,
observations, and ideas.
In your dissertation the theoretical framework is where you discuss and evaluate
the theories that are most relevant to your research. Its main goals are to:
• define key concepts Define key concepts
• evaluate and combine relevant theories and models Evaluate and combine relevant theories and models
• explain the assumptions and expectations that guide your project Explain the assumptions and expectations that guide your project
By presenting this information, you ‘frame’ your research and justify your
approach by showing that your work is grounded in established ideas.
This part of your dissertation lays the foundations that will support your analysis,
allowing you to convincingly interpret your results and explain their broader
You should refer to appropriate literature to support and analyse your theoretical
You can write in the first person, as you are constructing your own theoretical
connections and make predictions. They are based on existing knowledge,
observations, and ideas.
In your dissertation the theoretical framework is where you discuss and evaluate
the theories that are most relevant to your research. Its main goals are to:
• define key concepts Define key concepts
• evaluate and combine relevant theories and models Evaluate and combine relevant theories and models
• explain the assumptions and expectations that guide your project Explain the assumptions and expectations that guide your project
By presenting this information, you ‘frame’ your research and justify your
approach by showing that your work is grounded in established ideas.
This part of your dissertation lays the foundations that will support your analysis,
allowing you to convincingly interpret your results and explain their broader
You should refer to appropriate literature to support and analyse your theoretical
You can write in the first person, as you are constructing your own theoretical