Essay question to be answered: Does Neofunctionalism or Liberal Intergovernmentalism best account for the role, composition and evolution of powers of the European Union?
Thesis: Neofunctionalism and Liberal Intergovernmentalism work in unison to explain the contemporary European Union; its current role, composition and evolution of powers are due to a complex interaction and adoption of both schools of thought propagated by the two theories.
Provide a brief analysis of the two theories and how they compare and contrast.
Spend the majority of the essay applying the theories to the Role, composition and evolution of powers of the European Union and how each of these two theories can be used to explain how and why the role, composition and evolution of powers of the EU are as they are today.
Please use the sources listed below as a starting point for research. All sources must be academic-grade sources. Please use footnotes for citations; footnote every 100 words.