Chapter 3 Question: There are numerous ways that money and obligations flow between the federal and state governments. Define and explain the differences between categorical grants, block grants, general revenue sharing, and unfunded mandates. What would make a person prefer the use of one kind of grant over another?
- Include a copy of the prompt you selected at the top of your essay.
- Length: 3 pages minimum
- Formatting: This paper should be written in Times New Roman, 12pt Font, Single Spaced, with 1in Margins
- Citations: Use APA or MLA citations, including a reference/works cited page and in-text citations.
- References: The use of references is required and should follow this prioritization:
- Primary Source: The required textbook, We the People Essential 13th Edition, is the primary source for this assignment.
- Use extensively to research and write your essay.
- Secondary Source: Class materials such as lecture notes, lecture videos, readings, videos, homework, etc., are secondary sources.
- Use as needed to support, expand upon, or introduce additional information.
- Supplemental Source: Outside information, such as websites, periodicals, journals, etc., are supplemental.
- Use sparingly only when needed to cover information not included in a primary or secondary source.
- Ensure your source’s credibility, accuracy, and authenticity before using it.
- I can review such sources if you are unsure.
- Primary Source: The required textbook, We the People Essential 13th Edition, is the primary source for this assignment.
- File type: All papers must be submitted as a Word Document Only.
- PDF, Google Docs, or other file formats WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
- Answer each question fully and cite sources/class material fully where appropriate.