This is a thesis about product refrigerator from LG electronics how to increase sales. I wrote the first 3 chapters which is research plan, but needs to be edited. I recieved comment from advisor you can have a look.
The thesis consists 6chapters in total 18000 words.
I attached the guideline of the thesis and my current document with comment.
Please have a look and let me know if you are really confident with creating a thesis.
Note: You can have a look my chapters and if you think you need a change, you can change anything as you want to make the story clear. My current document is very low quality.
*Amsib Thesis guideline (Apendix 1,2 explains how to create this thesis in detail, I recommend to follow this guideline)
Chapter 1-3, 4 (sub-question 1) -> 25th August
Chapter 4-6 -> 15th September