This is the psychological lab report with two numerical independent variables that include time spent studying (variable 1) and sleep quality (variable 2) and their effect on academic performance (outcome variable or dependent variable).
September 16, 2023September 16, 2023
Discipline: Psychology
This is the psychological lab report with two numerical independent variables that include time spent studying (variable 1) and sleep quality (variable 2) and their effect on academic performance (outcome variable or dependent variable).
you need to create both complex model and simple model
you need to make a participnats table base on the appropriate mean from one of the studies and make a table with 100 participants in one column and the other columns inlude age, gender, sleep hours,study hours, and academic performance for each partcicpants.
you must use Bayesian regression.
You must have both Bayesian model comparision and Bayesian parameter estimation.
You need to create a graph and do all this calculation on JASP.
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