This is where you will combine all of your written research assignments related to your selected company into one research paper and you will conclude with a SWOT analysis and create a powerpoint presentation.

This is where you will combine all of your written research assignments related to your selected company into one research paper and you will conclude with a SWOT analysis (see the video above, under “Week 7 Reading” tab) and create a powerpoint presentation.

Research Paper Due – Write a 5-page research paper with an assessment of your chosen company. Include the use of advanced quantitative tools including the following:
  • Financial ratio analysis in the areas of profitability, leverage, and operating efficiency. Explain the areas that need improvement.
  • Recommend accounting techniques to improve company performance including days out receivables, inventory turnover, asset turnover, weighted average cost of capital recommendations.
  • Discuss statistical analysis including the beta for the company’s market sector and how this impacts investor confidence in stock price.
  • Describe the current economic environment including competitors, consumer base, political climate, and estimated market share
  • Use the information you learned from your quantitative analysis to perform a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) in your conclusion. Make recommendations to strengthen weaknesses and mitigate threats.
Include a title and reference page and use credible reference sources (e.g., company website, Yahoo finance, Bloomberg, Reuters etc.). Be sure to format the paper in APA 7th edition format. You may find this link helpful
Create a 3 to 5 slide powerpoint presentation focused on the recommendations you made from SWOT analysis and the overall report on your select corporation.  Email your presentation to [email protected].  During a Keiser Live session you will make your presentation and guest business faculty.

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