To what extent has the imposition of a carbon tax affect economic growth (2017-2018) in Fort McMurray, Alberta?

Make a working bilbiography with links to all sources. 

Make well organized and easy to read notes that will help answer the question in the Title :
“To what extent has the imposition of a carbon tax affect economic growth (2017-2018) in Fort McMurray, Alberta?” 
Make notes on every source, include pictures of statistics or graphs.
Taken an accent on the following prompts when choosing and annotating sources.

Find out wether it impacts environment?

Economics of what is a carbon tax ?

What did the federal government impose on Alberta..Introduce carbon tax (2017 rates and 2018 rates comparative) ?

Implication of carbon tax ?

Impact on economics growth?

Think of carbon tax in Alberta.

 how its going to work

the economics

the impact 

the graphs

 the cost 

Impact of economic growth: 

look at the gdp in 2017 and compare with 2018 GDP look at increases in revenue for government – where are they spending the money and why did this happen? 

How did the government use the tax dollars, did they cut taxes on other industries because they were gaining more money taxing the oil producers?

Answer the question: has this carbon tax affected economic growth 

Tax has been put in play oil producers hate it and industry changes and uses clean energy , how much economics growth is in Alberta based on oil. If you tax to high switch to cleaner energy and buy cleaner energy off them and it cost me less moneyy and green industries kick off.  

Lowering tax rates people spend more and begin contributing. Carbon tax played a role but pandemic also played a role in why the economy didn’t take off. 

make an outline in the end and make sure the notes are easy to sort through and labelled for every part of the outline

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