1. Develop a two-year plan for professional growth as a leader. Detail out action steps regarding
involvement in specific professional associations and how you intend to provide leadership or to
contribute to leadership efforts of professional organizations and/or counseling programs over the next two years. (1-2 pages) ****I would like to become a program director of a regional
community action team in southwest Florida, currently, I am a clinical supervisor*****
2. Develop a plan of advocacy for the counseling profession (or for a specific group/organization) that includes engaging in at least one professional advocacy activity that will be completed within the next
three months. ****my advocacy would involve the school board and proposing to
add mindfulness classes for the students every day in order to increase mindful wellness and to increase awareness of mental health*****
a. While you will not be officially evaluated on your completion of the activity in your personal plan, it is assumed that as a future counselor educator, and supervisor that you will follow through with your
commitment to complete this activity even though this course may be ended.
b. This activity can be focused on either advocacy for the counseling profession or on advocacy for a
specific group or organization.
c. Identify and include the appropriate advocacy models in your plan to advocate for the counseling
profession and/or its clientele (utilize a minimum of 2-3 scholarly sources). (2-3 pages)
3. Write a brief (1-2 page) reflection analyzing the importance of your selected activities to the daily
work of counselors and your observations and reactions to your plan for engaging in professional
Examples of advocacy for the counseling profession might include participation in a lobbying day with a professional counseling organization, writing a letter to a representative, public policy/relations activity, etc. For ideas, please visit the legislative/public policy/advocacy pages of the ACA (www.counseling.org), ASCA (www.schoolcounselor.org), AMHCA (www.amhca.org), CSI (www.csi-net.org), or your state
counseling association website.
Examples of advocacy for a specific group or organization might include: volunteering at a local social
service agency that advocates for a particular group or community, writing a letter to a local, state, or
national politician or political body on behalf of a marginalized group, obtaining disaster mental health
training through the American Red Cross or a related organization, etc.
Suggestion: Check with the department faculty at your campus to find out if there is a student chapter of Chi Sigma Iota or a student chapter of the state counseling association and ask if there are any
already planned advocacy activities in which you could participate.