Unit 3: Discussion – Chap. 2 Theoretical Perspectives and Contexts of Language Development



Each discussion thread – answer question(s) within the discussion thread based on the directions.

Choose 1 question from below to complete for your initial post. Make sure to answer a question that hasn’t already been taken by a classmate to ensure all questions are discussed. 

Cited references from the course text are required to be cited appropriately to further support your thoughts. Reflections from personal experience must also be included and linked to the topic of the chosen question for full completion 

The initial reflection post must be posted by midnight on Wednesday. Responses must be posted to at least 3 peers by Sunday.


Search the web for a chart of the developmental stages of normal language development.  Suggested sites are:

  • Language Development in Children Links to an external site.
  • American Speech-Language-Hearing AssociationLinks to an external site.
    1. Which of the 5 theoretical perspectives of language development (1. behaviorist, 2. nativist, 3. Cognitive developmental, 4. socioculture, and 5. interactive-emrgentist) aligns with your own philosophy from last week? Provide specific examples from the chosen theoretical perspective to your philosophy to explain.
    2. Name a theorist-researcher associated with each perspective. What are the implications of each theory for an early childhood and elementary education classroom?
    3. Describe the zone or proximal development. How does this concept relate to language development?
    4. Describe each of the following interaction patterns and how you see yourself using them in the classroom: 1. child-directed speech, 2. verbal mapping, 3. questioning, 4. linguistic scaffolding and 5. mediation.

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