Unit 6 Assignment – EDU220 Educational Psychology (Provide progress report of final paper) 2 Paragraphs minimum. (5-8 sentences)

I have attached screenshots of the instructions and assignment as JPG files/files.

I will add all of the previous projects as well so that you can successfully complete this project.

I have attached annotated papers with the necessary corrections and to get a higher grade. Please follow APA citation and source everything.

Please develop a one-paragraph summary of where you are with the project, whether or not you need to still complete any of the steps in the grid above, and how you see these components coming together to generate a 3-5 page paper.

Please develop a one-paragraph summary or layout of a visual grid that shows how you will accomplish the task of developing your 3-5 page paper.

Your paper should include two full paragraphs (5-8 sentences) OR one paragraph and one visual grid for time management and is due by Day 7 of this week

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