Unraveling the Nexus: Panel Data Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment Determinants in SAARC Countries and Policy Recommendations

Write an introduction section with 5 paragraphs containing following information:

Paragraph 1: when developing this paragraph consider answering following

·      When was the South Asian Association of
Regional Cooperation (SAARC) formed, and how many countries does it includes
(mention the name of those 8 countries)?

·      Explain the significance of the SAARC
region? What is the size of the SAARC region? What is the population of the
SAARC region? What percentage of the world economy do the 8 SAARC countries

·      What is a key demographic feature of the
SAARC region, particularly concerning the age of the working population?

·      What is the critical issue related to youth
unemployment in the SAARC region? What is the percentage of youth who are
unemployed in the SAARC region? What percentage of working youth live in
poverty? What percentage of working youth live in extreme poverty?



Paragraph 2: when developing this paragraph consider answering following

·      What is the percentage of the world’s poor
living in SAARC, considering the overall population in the world?

·      Besides poverty and unemployment, what are
the additional challenges faced by the SAARC region, particularly concerning
illiteracy and political instability?

·      How do the issues of widespread poverty,
mass unemployment, illiteracy, and political instability impact the
socio-economic development of the SAARC region?

·      What are the economic characteristics of
the SAARC countries, particularly concerning per capita income, savings rates,
and population growth rate, which collectively impact domestic savings and investment?

·      What challenges do policymakers in the
SAARC countries face under these economic conditions, especially in achieving
sustainable development goals? How have poverty reduction, employment
generation, and literacy rate improvement posed ongoing challenges for
policymakers in the region?



Paragraph 3: when developing this paragraph consider answering following

·      How have policy implications changed in
most countries over the study periods1980 to 2022, particularly in terms of
their development strategy shift from a state-driven mechanism to a free
market-oriented approach? Have these changes generated the desired results for
most countries? Write examples of some SAARC countries.

·      What proposed solution has been suggested
to address the challenges faced due to low domestic resources? How can a high
growth rate be achieved in the absence of domestic resources, and what role
does greater inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) play in this solution?


·      Since when SAARC countries making efforts
to attract FDI inflows into their countries by opening their economies?

·      What is the current state of FDI inflows in
SAARC countries despite their efforts? In 2022, how much FDI inflow did SAARC
countries receive, and what percentage was it of the total FDI inflows in the



Paragraph 4: when developing this paragraph consider answering following

·      Compare FDI inflows in SAARC to other

§  How does the percentage of FDI inflows in
SAARC compare to other regions, such as the world, Asia, and East Asia and the
Pacific (EAS) and Europe etc?

§  Has the percentage of FDI inflows in SAARC
increased over time? If so, how much has it increased?

§  What factors might explain the difference
in FDI inflows between SAARC and other regions?

·      Point out the lower FDI inflow in SAARC compared
to other regions:

§  Why is the percentage of FDI inflows in
SAARC lower than in other regions, such as the world, Asia, and EAS and Europe

§  What are some of the challenges that SAARC faces
in attracting FDI?

§  What can be done to increase FDI inflows in



Paragraph 5: when developing this paragraph consider following points:

·      Craft research gap saying some studies are
there, but limited, this study is the one of its kinds focus on SAARC by taking
8 DV.

·      State the objective of the study, finding
determinants of FDI

·      Indicate main contribution of this paper
(write contribution firstly, secondly… like this)

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