This Essay will require you to analyze a primary source
and develop arguments linking that text to the themes of the course. Your essays
should use the source in question to better understand the time period and society
from which it came. In so doing, your essays should incorporate the relevant
information from your textbook in order to contextualize your claims. For essay topics and essential information on essay structure, citations, and
formatting, see the handouts posted on Brightspace.
Primary source citations are required. Cite from Sources in Ancient Mediterranean
Civilizations using 1) the source number, 2) the author of your source (if provided), 3)
the title, and 4) the page number. Place your citation in the text of your essay at the end
of a sentence, and enclose it in parentheses. Example: (68-Herodotus, The Histories,
See the attached file for the passage