Voice Over Video Presentation for teaching reading using the 5 essentials of reading

The video component: You will need to identify, evaluate, and teach two websites or applications (apps) that teach two different essentials of the five essentials of reading. Be sure to choose websites or apps that center on the five essentials of reading, not writing. You may NOT use starfall.com or BrainPOP, Search for effective, engaging sites or apps that can be used on a tablet or computer. You will need to create a video that captures your screen as you demonstrate how students can use the websites or apps. You may use Jing: https://www.techsmith.com/jing-tool.html Links to an external site.. Snagit is another video tool that you may use: https://www.techsmith.com/screen-capture.html Links to an external site. You can also create your video using iMovie or YouTube.. You are essentially creating a tutorial for other teachers. We should not see your face, or a video of your actual computer. You are creating a screen capture, or screencast.

Your video presentation should be no more than 10 minutes. You may create two separate videos or combine your presentation into one video. You will upload two items to Canvas to be graded: one 2-4-page written portion and the video. Your professor should be able to see what students actually do on the websites or apps in the video. This means that you may have to create a free or trial account to log into the site or app. 
An example of the two websites you should use is provided:
KhanAcademy Kids and Raz-Kidz
Please review the attachment provided to see what the essential of reading that website covers and then create a tutorial… no video needed just a voice over of each website showing each step. 

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