“Was US COVID Policy too restrictive or too lenient (mandatory masks and/or vaccines, vaccine passports, lockdowns)?”

  • I am one of the people in the group, and I can insert video clips in between. The total duration is 8 minutes, please extend the video screening time as much as possible. In addition, I need to know what I want to say during the speech. I want you to present this part to me in words for me to read aloud.

  • Be sure to coordinate with your entire group, especially your partners arguing the same side.  Decide who will go first, if it will be a point counter point, or if one group will present all the way through, followed by the other, then each will rebut the other group’s arguments. 

  • You should plan to have a minimum of about 8 minutes worth of material per group member.  These 8 minutes are in addition to any videos shown. I will designate you all as meeting cohosts on the day of your presentation.

  • You will need to have PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation.  When you use tables, graphs, or direct quotes, be sure to attribute your source. Please make sure your slides are easily read (less is more!)

  • Please provide the instructor with copies of your slides by noon the day before your presentation is scheduled.

  • If you end up making final edits after this time, please send me those and I will upload the final draft for your classmates to CANVAS as source material for their Position Papers.

  • You must submit a minimum of two Tophat question per group member. One question should be a subjective (opinion) question. One should be an objective question with a specific answer. These questions must be e-mailed to me 48 hours before your scheduled presentation. Please provide answers as well as the questions, indicating the correct answer if it is an objective question.

  • Grades will not necessarily be the same for all members of the group.  Generally I grade each individual on the quality of the material they personally present.  If your group for some reason warrants a different division of labor (someone is very good with PowerPoint, but not a confident presenter), be sure that you notify me as a group who was responsible for what.

  • If you are having difficulty getting in touch with members of your group, please contact the instructor.

  • On the day of the presentation, please try to be professional.  While dressy attire is not necessary, don’t wear anything distracting.  Do not chew anything while you’re presenting. 

reference : https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-waves-another-covid-shot-through-fda-human-outcomes-data-195731c0?mod=Searchresults_pos7&page=1

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