What Can We Do to Become More Culturally Aware? Module 2: Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity

What Can We Do to Become More Culturally Aware?

Immersive Reader

Now that you’ve taken the quiz and explored some of the terminology of the field (and some terms to avoid), it’s time to make a game plan for becoming a more culturally aware teacher.

  1. How would you describe your own unique identity including your individual identity and cultural identity?  How does that match with those identities of your students?
  2. What cultures do you think you need to learn more about?
  3. Where can you find unbiased information about those cultures or groups?
  4. What actionable goals can you set for yourself to expand your knowledge of the cultures present in your classroom?
  5. Finally, respond to one of your colleagues by sharing a connection or reaction to their thoughts. (Your response should be meaningful, with a goal to push each other’s thinking rather than offering a superficial exchange. Please see rubric)
Please include my colleague response
  2. Tue Jun 13, 2023 at 4:42 am

    1. My personal and cultural identity is important. Both of them are unique in that they affect my interactions with individuals. I would describe my personal identity as flexible and always willing to listen and learn from other people. In this, I am able to work with many individuals and get along with many individuals. In terms of my cultural identity, I look at my religion, family history, language as well as my local community. I think in ways, my identity does match my students as they are trying to learn from their peers about the different cultures that exist inside of the classroom. It is also different in that they have their own customs and cultures that they have been raised with, so they will always have their own personal identity.

    2. I wouldn’t say there is one particular culture that I need to learn about, but I think what would be beneficial is learning about how to deal with various and numerous cultures that teachers are presented with. I have about 5 to 6 different cultures in the classroom and it’s hard to make sure that all of the cultures are represented in my lessons. Also, within one culture, there are various traditions, so I need more support in how to make sure that all of my students are feeling where their culture is represented inside the classroom.

    3. To find unbiased information about different cultures and groups, I would start by consulting reputable sources such as academic journals, books written by experts in the field, and websites maintained by cultural organizations. I also can seek out personal accounts and narratives from individuals who belong to the cultures I’m interested in learning about.

    4. Some goals that I can set for myself includes taking the time to learn about the cultures and communities represented in my classroom. This would include researching the cultural traditions, history, and values of my students’ backgrounds.

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