Your assignment for this week is as follows:
Submit a one page (1 pg) outline of the Methods section of your proposal. You MUST include the following items in your outline:
- Your Research Question ( my research question is:
What impact do rehabilitation programs within the Juvenile Justice System have on recidivism rates among juveniles?) - Your chosen Research design (qualitative, quantitative, descriptive, exploratory)
- Identification of any potential ethical concerns in the development of your research study
- The investigative technique you will use for your proposal (Questionnaire, Survey, Observation etc.)
- Identification of your sample size and population (How will you identify your population?)
Remember, we will not be conducting the research. Your Methods section looks to identify what you would do if we were actually developing this study and conducting the research. What would you do and how would you do it? This is an outline; not a narrative paper. Bullets and numbering for this assignment are acceptable.