Explain why you chose your research question and why it is an important one. Provide a basic overview of the topic (i.e., definitions, where might you encounter topic in life, frequency of topic, general research done on topic). Provide a hypothesis of what you expect to find
Method: state the type of experiments/studies conducted in each publication what questions were asked what was being measured how was it measured? How will the methods provide answers to your question? who did they sample? for instance, 200 undergraduate students from a liberal arts college were surveyed. Likert scales surveys were used to measure well-being. A higher score meant more positive sense of well-being. The participants were judged by three independent observers for anxious behaviors the higher, the rating meant that they were exhibiting greater anxious behaviors, according to the judges.
Results and Discussion: explain the results and discuss them. What is your interpretation of the results? How does everything fit together? What did you learn? What did you gather from results? Were there any surprises? The results and discussions should be the bulk of your paper. Add whatever you think is appropriate to support how you formulated your conclusion.
Limitations and future suggestions: discuss any limitations encountered by the studies you were viewed in your paper, provide suggestions about the possible future implications of the research, and what can be improved upon. suggest a more “ideal” future study that would fill in some hole in knowledge.
Conclusion: short synopsis of what you learned.
References and APA format: cite all references used APA format
All citations must be peer reviewed (I have listed my three sources below)