this is some of the professors feedback from the rough draft that i have uploaded and also need to add two more pages to the research
paper my draft only has 4 and a partial page. Also title is needed on the cover page and the start of the paper.
add sections about social comparison, eating disorders, FOMO (fear of missing out) because of filtered, edited pictures
result of depression — self-harm and disorders
check paraphrases add sections about social comparison, eating disorders, FOMO (fear of missing out) because of filtered, edited pictures
These are great sources. I want to make sure that your sources give a lot of different perspectives so you might also look up specific behavior such as eating disorders and risk taking behavior such as drinking. This might give you different things to talk about.
You will also have to provide research that adolescents are on social medial platforms and that they are spending a lot of time on them. This will help you build your argument.