Research question: What is the relationship between police-community relationships and violent crime? Theoretically and empirically, have strained police-community relations caused increases in community violence?
Directions: Pick one of the following questions. In no more than 5-7 double-spaced pages, answer the question in the format suggested, including all the relevant aspects included on page 3 of this assignment.
Throughout your paper, you should draw on materials discussed in class, readings, and at least 3 empirical academic articles which are relevant to your discussion.
Assignments are due Monday April 24th, 2023 by the end of the day. These can be turned in via canvas in either .doc or .pdf formats. (These are the only formats that are acceptable). Alternatively, you can email your assignment if there are any problems or delays in getting the paper submitted.
*Students will develop an outline of their paper by March 27th, 2023*
In-Class Assignments will provide opportunity for thinking about the topic, why it’s important, and what theories will be considered. This way, I can provide everyone feedback along the way. I would be happy to discuss papers with you individually, at any stage of the process.
Be sure to include each of the following sections:
Abstract: Clearly state an answer to the question, including what theory (ies) of crime you will be discussing.
Context / Background: Give an outline of the situation / scenario, including evidence pertaining to the situation. Also situate the incident or phenomena in the wider sociological context.
Theory: Discuss briefly your theory (ies) of choice, highlighting specifically which aspects of the theories are relevant for studying your question. Has this theory been applied before by scholars in similar situations?
Evidence: Apply the theory to the question directly. This will include applying specific elements of a theory to specific evidence in your case.
Conclusions and Policy Implications: Briefly reiterate why this question was important, and what your key findings were. Then swiftly discuss what policy implications can be drawn from your investigation.
References: Please included at least 3 academic sources, which will you help you build your ‘theory’ and ‘evidence’ sections of the paper
*Formatting: I do not have a preference for which citation style you use, as long as it is consistent. But I will discuss APA formatting in class as an example.
A paper receiving a grade of ‘A’ will develop each of these sections in a clear and concise manner.