What is your sense of Duke as a university and a community, and why do you consider it a good match for you?

Duke Question 1: What is your sense of Duke as a university and a community, and why do you consider it a good match for you? If there’s something in particular about our offerings that attracts you, feel free to share that as well. (250 word limit)*
My passion for medicine and the desire to make a positive impact drive my pursuit of pre-med studies. Duke University offers a platform where strong academics and community spirit come together.
In high school, I was involved in a research that utilized AI for the early detection of brain tumors. This experience broadened my understanding of the intersection of technology and healthcare, thereby kindling a burning interest to further explore this domain. At Duke, the diverse and challenging pre-med curriculum promises an environment where I can thrive while pursuing my interests in neuroscience and technology. Moreover, opportunities to engage with interdisciplinary decision science opens doors to pursue my interest in research with globally recognized faculty. I am particularly drawn towards the work of Dr. Kevin LaBar, whose studies on emotion and memory in the human brain strike a profound chord with my interests in neuroscience. Such opportunities to learn from and contribute to research strengthen my resolve to join the Duke community.
My experience with shadowing has allowed me to connect with people by offering a comforting presence, and sharing a smile. It taught me that healing can come in many forms, not just through medical intervention. At Duke, with its esteemed health system, I look forward to further broadening these insights as a premed student through continued shadowing opportunities.
As President of the Science National Honor Society and Book Club, and Vice President of HOSA and Neuroscience clubs in my high school, I have nurtured a passion for collaborative learning and leadership. I foresee my experiences blending with Duke’s active student-run organizations, like the American Medical Student Association, where I could continue to cultivate these skills.
What sets Duke apart for me is its robust emphasis on global health and community service. Programs like DukeEngage present the perfect blend of my medical aspirations and my commitment to service. I plan to use these opportunities to engage in meaningful work, both at home and abroad.
Furthermore, I am excited to bring my passion for literature and neuroscience to Duke’s academic community. I aim to promote a proactive discussion through platforms like the Duke Neuroscience Majors’ Union or the Duke Literary Society.

My commitment to academic rigor, community service, and leadership would make me a valuable addition to the Duke community. I am particularly keen to contribute to the symbiotic Duke-Durham relationship, learning not just within Duke’s confines, but also in the broader community..

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