Cite both sources using MLA style and include a properly formatted Works Cited page. You may
want to review the required handouts and videos about sources in our weekly folders. For
additional help finding and using sources, please consult the “Research and Using Sources”
folder on D2L.
Questions you might consider when integrating your sources (“They say”):
o What do experts say about people with your learning preferences?
o What constitutes intelligence?
o How do your predilections “fit” with theories of multiple learning styles and
want to review the required handouts and videos about sources in our weekly folders. For
additional help finding and using sources, please consult the “Research and Using Sources”
folder on D2L.
Questions you might consider when integrating your sources (“They say”):
o What do experts say about people with your learning preferences?
o What constitutes intelligence?
o How do your predilections “fit” with theories of multiple learning styles and
Keep in mind:
1. It is important that you not only describe experiences but also show why and how they
exemplify your style of learning. Be detailed and specific. Your paper should not read like
a list; you want to develop your examples with relevant details.
2. Do not attempt to write about too many styles/intelligences (no more than 3). The point is
to choose your dominant style(s) and describe them in depth—not to briefly touch on all
of them.
3. The format is relatively flexible, but all essays should have a main point. What do you
want the reader to take away from this?
4. Do not devote an inordinate amount of space to describing each kind of learner. Focus on
your own strengths and how they work for you.
5. Before you write, take some time to explore the D2L links on multiple intelligences. You
may want to take one of the learning preference tests (links in the “Essays” folder).
Finally, please note that the point of this assignment is to explore preferred ways of learning,
thinking, and doing. Learning styles theory is contested—there is little evidence that our
preferences are innate, or that adapting teaching to students’ styles improves learning. Our goal is not to determine definitively what/who you “are.” Rather, we are using Gardner’s theory as a vehicle for reflection—that is, treating it more like a heuristic (look it up!) than an absolute
algorithm. Before submitting, be sure to review the specific formatting guidelines and the MLA
template in the “Essays” folder.
1. It is important that you not only describe experiences but also show why and how they
exemplify your style of learning. Be detailed and specific. Your paper should not read like
a list; you want to develop your examples with relevant details.
2. Do not attempt to write about too many styles/intelligences (no more than 3). The point is
to choose your dominant style(s) and describe them in depth—not to briefly touch on all
of them.
3. The format is relatively flexible, but all essays should have a main point. What do you
want the reader to take away from this?
4. Do not devote an inordinate amount of space to describing each kind of learner. Focus on
your own strengths and how they work for you.
5. Before you write, take some time to explore the D2L links on multiple intelligences. You
may want to take one of the learning preference tests (links in the “Essays” folder).
Finally, please note that the point of this assignment is to explore preferred ways of learning,
thinking, and doing. Learning styles theory is contested—there is little evidence that our
preferences are innate, or that adapting teaching to students’ styles improves learning. Our goal is not to determine definitively what/who you “are.” Rather, we are using Gardner’s theory as a vehicle for reflection—that is, treating it more like a heuristic (look it up!) than an absolute
algorithm. Before submitting, be sure to review the specific formatting guidelines and the MLA
template in the “Essays” folder.
I also send you a sample research for MLA format.
and do not use any Ai platform.