Thesis thoroughly addresses all demands of the prompt.
Thoroughly introduces and maintains precise, knowledgeable claim(s) and clearly establishes the significance of the claim(s).
Skillfully acknowledges and distinguishes claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims with insight, interpretation or clarification. Thoroughly counters and refutes opposing claims with carefully selected evidence.
Accurately and skillfully integrate evidence into writing in order to thoroughly develop and support claim(s) and/or opposing claims with insightful reasoning and carefully selected, relevant evidence that strengthens the argument. Provides thorough and effective explanations of the most relevant evidence and ideas.
Provides complex reasoning to clarify the strengths, limitations and/or nuances of claim(s) and opposing claims.
Accurately embeds and skillfully uses a minimum of four sources to support the claim(s) and/or opposing claims. Consistently and thoroughly cites evidence by quoting and/or paraphrasing details and examples with parenthetical citations.
Builds and maintains a sophisticated structure to develop the argument. Skillfully sequences claim(s), counterclaims, reasons and evidence to strengthen the argument.
Consistently uses a variety of effective words, phrases and clauses as well as varied syntax to create a strong cohesion and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and opposing claims.
Provides a logical, thorough concluding statement or section that follows from and clearly solidifies the argument presented.
Consistently establishes and maintains a sophisticated formal tone or voice. Consistently establishes and maintains a sophisticated, task appropriate writing style.
Consistently uses effective and varied word choice.
Skillfully uses the conventions of Standard English grammar, usage, spelling, capitalization and punctuation with few, minor errors that do not interfere with understanding the writing.