“INTRODUCTION: In the introduction to your essay, explain what the question is, and why it is difficult to answer. Give a summary account of what you are going to argue in your paper.
BODY PARAGRAPHS PART 1: Write a few paragraphs that summarize the perspective of the automation theorists of the early 2010s (including authors such as McAfee, Ford, Frase, and Osborne and Frey). What were their key observations and arguments about the future of work?
BODY PARAGRAPHS PART 2: Write a few paragraphs that explain the criticisms of the automation theorists. What evidence do critics muster to argue from economic, technological and socially grounded perspectives that the automation theorists are wrong?
BODY PARAGRAPHS PART 3: Explain your own views, based on what we have read so far.
Are the automation theorists likely to be right, but at a delay? Or are there deeper problems with their perspectives? What is the most compelling account of the future of work that we read?
CONCLUSION: Remind the reader of your main thesis. Explain why the debate you are discussing matters. Why have social theorists have spent so much time trying to answer this question? Explain at least one implication of answering the question in the way that you do.
Remember to title your paper and number your pages (at the bottom of the page).
NOTE: You can also cite presentations from class, but that will be in addition to the 10 sources that you otherwise cite in your paper.