why it is important to consider Type I (false positives) and Type II (false negatives) errors when designing, analyzing, and critically evaluating experiments.

The replicability crisis cast doubt on some psychological research. As a MSc student, you are the future of Psychology. As such, it falls to you to try to help us to find a better way forward. One way to do this is to be able to explain a) some of the reasons for replicability crisis, and b) how to improve our research going forward. For this assignment, you will write an essay for under graduate psychology students. You will explain to the students why it is important to consider type I (false positives), and type II (false negatives) errors when designing, analyzing , and critically evaluating experiments. Essay should display an understanding of;• the definitions of sampling error, null hypothesis significant testing( NHST), Type I errors, and type II errors.

•How type I and type II errors are related to NHST.  •How type I and type II errors are related to power analysis. •Methods that can be used during experimental design (i.e. before data collection) to help reduce the chances of type I and type II errors. •Analysis techniques that can be used after data collection to help reduce the chances of Type I and II errors.
• An example will help the undergraduate readers understand the importance of navigating Type I and II errors. •Read a scientific paper where the experimental design and/or experimental analysis poorly navigated Type I and Type II issues, threatening the integrity of the scientific community’s interpretation. Describe what they did wrong and how these issues could have been prevented. 
• Each of you are going to run an experiment for your Masters’ research project. First, briefly describe the design of your experiment. Next, describe to the undergraduates how you would design and analyse your MSc experiment to increase the chances of replicability and reduce the chances of Type I and II errors. Be detailed! Because of the quick turnaround of a Masters’ project, you probably won’t have time to implement all the ways you can navigate Type I and II errors. However, imagine you had all the time in the world, describe to the undergraduates how you would design and analyse your MSc experiment to increase the chances of replicability.
Length and style guidelines:
This essay should not exceed 2000 words in length (excluding references) and should follow the APA format.
Additional guidelines:
At the Masters’ level, you are expected to do independent reading. Since the start of the replicability crisis, there is a large literature which discusses how Type I and II errors have been associated with the replicability crisis. The essay should demonstrate your independent reading and your independent assimilation of the information in the literature.
My Master’s Research Project Proposal Abstract 
The bilingual advantage hypothesis implies that individuals who can speak two languages simultaneously tend to have better cognitive benefits in comparison to their monolingual (single-language peers). One of these cognitive advantages includes improved executive function, known as a collection of cognitive processes crucial for the cognitive control of behaviour. However, results supporting this relationship have been inconclusive. Potentially, variations in findings can be attributed to methodological factors. The current study aims to recruit English monolingual and English-Welsh bilingual toddlers ranging from 1-4 years of age. A deferred imitation task will be conducted to determine whether the toddlers from the monolingual and bilingual groups differed in tests assessing cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control, and working memory. In this research, the monolingual and bilingual toddlers are prompted to imitate a sequence of actions with novel toys. The number of actions in each sequence is designed based on the child’s age. It was predicted that (1) bilingual toddlers will recall modelled actions in order better than monolinguals, (2) bilinguals will be more likely to imitate a unique action on a familiar toy compared to monolinguals, (3) the presence of an eye-catching distractor will not impact bilinguals’ performance. The findings of this research will help deepen understanding of the bilingual advantage in executive functioning. This study will contribute to identifying early bilingualism’s effects on cognitive abilities.
•Some information about analysis and participant of my project. For my master’s research project, I aim to explore the role of bilingualism on the executive function of toddlers. I am going to recruit English monolingual and English-Welsh bilingual toddlers ranging from 1-4 years of age. A deferred imitation task will be conducted to determine whether the toddlers from the monolingual and bilingual groups differed in tests assessing cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control, and working memory. In this research, the monolingual and bilingual toddlers are prompted to imitate a sequence of actions with novel toys. This research encompassed four years of undergraduate and MSc research studies at Bangor University to improve its reproducibility. Each year, students generated their own sequences. Each year’s distinct sample size and different participants for data collection contribute to the accuracy and reliability of this study. There is a standardised protocol for data collection and analysis to ensure that other researchers can rapidly replicate the results, thereby enhancing the reliability of the research. A series of t-tests will be used to analyse each research question. A Bonferroni correction will be applied to each test in order to reduce Type I errors. Also, effect sizes will be used as the primary measure of outcome. The Bayesian analysis will be applied to reduce the likelihood of type II errors.

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