Why ‘Safe Spaces’ Are Important for Mental Health — Especially on College Campuses

For this Rogerian Argument Essay you will need to use 3 sources, 1 is the article about safe spaces in college, and the other two will be attached. All instructions will be attached, please be sure to  read through carefully to not miss anything. 


Only use sources given. Article above and the two sources attached.

Here is a list that you can go through to see if you are developing a true compromise: 

  1. Be sure your bias (personal preference) isn’t behind your compromise. You have to start out by understanding what both side wants, but are you sure they want what you think they do? Think very carefully about what the common ground might be and make sure that your bias isn’t assuming something about the other side that isn’t true. For example, I saw several people say that in the safe spaces debate both sides want everyone to be respected, but if that were true, why would one side not want safe spaces? Aren’t they essentially disrespecting that idea by arguing against it?

  2. Be sure your compromise doesn’t already exist. If it already exists, then again, the problem would already have been solved. 

  3. Asking people to better understand, to be more educated, to reconsider, etc. is not a compromise. Again, if that worked, the debate would not exist.

  4. You absolutely cannot simply say that both sides have good points.You must offer a compromise.

  5. A compromise does not just reformulate, repackage, or rename one side of the debate and consider the problem solved. 

  6. Can you “see” or “measure” your compromise? If not, are you simply asking sides to change their perspective? To be a compromise, something has to be given up on both sides.

A note on sources: You need at least two outside sources in addition to the article you started with from class. Remember that sources need to come from the library database, not just general Google searches. Random websites that happen to be about your topic are not going to be ollege-level sources.

One last note: This essay should be at least 6 paragraphs long when complete:

  1. Introduction with a thesis statement (The thesis statement will be neutral – it will say something like, “Although there are valid points on both sides of this debate, a compromise is possible so that each side can meet their goal.”) Don’t state your compromise in the thesis. 
  2. An overview of one side of the debate
  3. An overview of the other side of the debate
  4. A discussion of what the two sides have in common (These are goals and/or values)
  5. The proposed compromise, and an explanation of how it meets the common goals/values
  6. A conclusion

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