Write SQL queries to do the following. You will do this in one SQL file. This query will open several tabs. Before each query, display a comment with the SQL number.
Write a SELECT statement that does a self-join of the Vendors table and returns these columns: vendor id, vendor name, and contact_name. contact_name is a concatenation of vendor contact first name, a space, and vendor contact last name. You will need to give each table an alias. Return one row for each vendor whose contact has the same last name as another vendor’s contact. Hint: the vendor ids should not be equal, but the vendor contact last name are equal.
Sort the result set by the vendor contact last name. (2 rows)
Write a SELECT statement that does a outer join of the General Ledger Accounts and the Invoice Line Items tables and returns these columns: account number, account description, and invoice id. Return one row for each account number number that has never been used.
Hint: You will need to use the WHERE class to return rows where invoice id IS NULL.
Sort the result set by the account number. (54 rows)
You will have to put a semicolon at the end of every Select statement.
Follow syntax instructions: Statement and clauses are in all caps (anything in blue). Files and columns are in lower case. Indent continuing statements.