Abstract: An abstract talk about the Collaborative Robotics Using 5G in Industry in one good paragraph.
Introduction: In your introduction, you talk about why you chose this approach and the pros and cons of it. Some sort of justification for the importance of this direction should be mentioned.
Related Work: Provide 5 great academic references (related papers) would be needed as related work. Please note that these related papers should be all in the same direction as this topic. Very briefly explain them, like 7 lines for each related work, making this section around 1 column or maybe 2 columns, i.e., 1 page max. At the end of this section, distinguish the and gently defend it.
System Model: This is the main section. Here you talk about your methodology and then lay out the framework for the chosen direction. Discuss this framework and bring the relevant figures, block diagrams, equations, etc. as you need. Please note that you need to discuss it in depth.
Conclusion and future work: after summarizing what you have done in this homework, give some clues for future homework.