Political cleavages can be based on a multitude of factors, political ideology, religion, geography, economics, ethnicity, language, policy goals, to name just a few. Lutz tells us “ The more cleavages there are, the more complicated the range of institutions brought to bear” and, “constitutions are supposed to aid the moving of conflict from the street and battlefields to arenas of compromise and persuasion…” (p12).
Using the information you have on the political cleavages or possible political cleavages found in TUBDUB, what type of political institutions do you think would work best? Do you think a consensus model or majoritarian model would work best? Why? Do you think there should be multiple veto points or a few? Why?
This paper is due February 28tht by 11:59 pm and will be turned in on blackboard using the turnitin link.
Political cleavages can be based on a multitude of factors, political ideology, religion, geography, economics, ethnicity, language, policy goals, to name just a few. Lutz tells us “ The more cleavages there are, the more complicated the range of institutions brought to bear” and, “constitutions are supposed to aid the moving of conflict from the street and battlefields to arenas of compromise and persuasion…” (p12).
Using the information you have on the political cleavages or possible political cleavages found in TUBDUB, what type of political institutions do you think would work best? Do you think a consensus model or majoritarian model would work best? Why? Do you think there should be multiple veto points or a few? Why?
This paper is due February 28tht by 11:59 pm and will be turned in on blackboard using the turnitin link.