Write a program that demonstrates various
operating systems algorithms. Use JAVA. Your program should have a menu driven concept such as:
mission (should you choose to accept it) is to design and implement five
different algorithms. These include:
1. First Come First Serve (FCFS) Scheduling
2. Shortest Job First Scheduling (SJF)
3. Round Robin Scheduling algorithm
4. Banker algorithm in Dead Lock
5. Page Replacement
In 1 to 3, find the waiting time for each
process, turnaround time for each process, the average waiting time, the
average turnaround time. Also Draw the Gannt Chart.
If the choice is Shortest Job First
Scheduling algorithm, then another menu will come up
1. SJF None Preemptive
2. SJF Preemptive
Furthermore, If the choice is Page
Replacement, then another menu will come up
1. First In First Out (FIFO)
2. Optimal (OPT)
3. Least Recent Used (LRU)
Project Report
For this project you will be required to write a brief report discussing what
you have learned about various algorithms.