Write a report for an authority of a UK city or town that is at risk from flooding

Learning outcomes:

-Appreciate the importance of cities and towns for sustainability 
– Recognise the cities and towns face challenges in adapting to and mitigating the effects of environmental changes, including climate change.
– Describe how flood management improves urban resilience 
– Apprecitae the role of social and technical approaches in promoting sustainability.
– Appreciate the need to engage people at individual, community and institutional levels to effect positive change 
Question 1 – 2000 words 
This Question carries 95% of the marks for this assignment 
Write a report for an authority of a UK city or town that is at risk from flooding. Your report should give advice on how the city or town should develop their response to a flood and how to reduce the possible impacts of floods in the future. 
Title – 3 marks
Should be clear, brief and relevant to the content of the report. It should hello the reader to see at a glance what the report is bout and who it is for. 
Introduction – 10 marks – 250 words 
You need to identify your chosen UK city of town and explain the purpose of the report for the authority. You should introduce urban sustainability, flood risks and why floods happen, You should briefly outline how the report is organised and explain any key terms.
Making the case – 28 marks – 700 words
In this section, you should make the case for developing a response to floods and for reducing the possible impact of floods in the future. You should address the following points:
– Present background information on urban sustainability and the importance of cities and towns for urban and global sustainability (5 marks)
– Present background information about the increased risk of flooding due to climate change and other environmental changes at thelocal level and/or on a wider scale (6 marks_
– Include a brief description of your chosen UK city or town, covering points such as location, size, population and areas at risk of flooding. (5 marks)
– Identify the categories of flooding that are relevant to your city or town and the associated impacts of a flood event. You should consider impacts on people, infrastructure, business and green spaces. (8 marks)
– Explain why the authority should play an important role in developing a response to floods and reducing flood risks in your chosen UK city or town (4 marks) 
Proposal – 34 marks – 900 words
A good proposal will face 3 to 4 well described recommendations on developing a response to floods and reducing the impacts of floods in the future, and will explain how the recommendations can be put into action. 
Recommendations should include, and clearly identify both technical and social/behavioural changes. Answers that give long lists or just one recommendation are likely to score less well. 
Address the following in the proposal:
-Describe the main features of your proposal – this should include recommendations on developing a response to floods and reducing their impacts in the future (16 marks) 
– Explain how your proposal could be put into action. Consider what actions might be taken by the city or town authority to whom your report is addressed and also by the individual (the ‘I’), the community or neighbourhood (the ‘we’), and other relevant agencies (the ‘they’) and beyond.  ( 12 marks)
– What, in general, are the anticipated benefits of your proposal and what are the possible disadvantages? (6 marks)
Conclusion – 10 marks – 15 marks
You should end your report with a brief conclusion that summariesthe main points of your case and your proposal, including your recommendations. 
Overall presentation – 10 marks 
Remember to include a total word count at the end of your report 
Question 2: 200 words – 5 marks 
What do you think are the most important pressing environmental concerns for the next 10 years? 

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