Write about effective communication relating to interdisciplinary studies and more specifically marketing and sales. I would like to research what strategies are most effective for communication and personal life.
(This is what I told my Professor I would be writing about)
I have always been interested in how you can better communicate to be more productive, more likable and even achieve more in your life socially and in your professional life. This is something I think is important because everyone can benefit from learning about it. Having good communication tricks and skills can put you in positions that having an abundance of wealth and status still can’t put you in. I think everyone knows someone who is well liked by everyone they meet and is very good with delegating. I think this is something everyone could strive to be better at and I am very passionate about it.
(Professors Instructions)
Discuss the intellectual conversation on your issue. The Literature Review analyzes existing
literature and places your thinking in that intellectual conversation (or better, given you’re
working in more than one discipline, those intellectual conversations).
For your literature review, include minimally 10 sources, all of which must be JOURNAL
articles, also known as “scholarly” or “academic” or “refereed” sources. To repeat, for this
literature review all of your sources will be JOURNAL articles (which you obtain online: look
in ASU Libraries’ journal indexes – best to search by “subject,” i.e. discipline). A minimal
research effort could earn a minimal grade, so the better effort you make the better chances you
have of earning a better grade. (More than ten is a good thing!)
Join the ongoing academic conversation(s) related to your research issue. And make your
tentative argument as clear as you possibly can, somewhere near the beginning, and again near
the end of the literature review.
It is CRUCIAL that your literature review bears evidence of interdisciplinary thinking. We’ll
expect more of that in your final paper for this course, but your Lit Review ought to attend to
interdisciplinarity in some meaningful way or ways. Put Repko and Menken & Keestra to
work: find “common ground,” integrate, achieve a more comprehensive (interdisciplinary)
Name and follow the style guide (for citations and references) of your choice. (Whatever your
choice, be consistent within that style.)
At the top of your Reference Page: NAME it (“This paper follows APA, MLA, MLA,” or
whatever you choose…) If you aren’t able to follow one of these common style guides, you’re
also welcome to follow the citation and referencing style in the article by McCormack that
appears in the Course Pack.