Write an analysis that has a single theme that includes all or some of the stories. The summary should be a full paragraph with a thesis statement. (Just a summary, you can use 2 of these sources or all its up to you)
William Zinnsser: Clutter
Jo Goodwin Park: What is Poverty– https://web.ntpu.edu.tw/~language/course/teach%20writing/poverty.pdf
Langston Hughes: Salvation– https://www.jackson.stark.k12.oh.us/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=2136&dataid=11946&FileName=salvation–langston%20hughes%20full%20text%209%207%2016.pdf
Gloria Naylor: The Meaning of a Word– https://www.wqed.org/augustwilson/sites/wqed.org.augustwilson/files/The%20Meanings%20of%20a%20Word%20by%20Gloria%20Naylor.