write an argumentative essay on the environmental impact of a particular technology that is commonly used in the United Arab Emirates.

Research the impact of this technology on the environment , noting both positive effects and negative / destructive effects . Be sure understand the details of these effects using the 5 Ws plus H questioning techniques ( Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? ). Nothe the references for the evidence gathered ,, Argumentative essay requires a strong thesis statement – a clearly defined stance on your topic , essay divided into introduction,body, conclusion 

Introduction: provides your topic and thesis statement 
Body: presents you evidence and arguments ( minimum 3 paragraphs)
Conclusion: summarize you argument and emphasize its importance 
Grading rubric :
•Choice of technology ( is it interesting, original or unusual) 15marks 
•Breadth and depth of research sources – ( minimum 3 valid academic sources) 20 marks
•Quality of argument ( how convincing are your arguments- how well does your research support these arguments ) 45 marks
•Quality of writing ( grammar, spelling, punctuation , in text references , chosen and coherence ) 10 marks 
•Word count 5 marks 
•Reference page 5 marks

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