WRITING WORKSHOP B: One Reading from Class
Every writing assignment in this course is run through Turnitin software to check for plagiarism.
Be sure to run your final draft through Grammarly.com!
Be sure your essay discusses the CLASS-ASSIGNED READING IN DETAIL. Essays without at least 10 sentences about the assigned reading will fail. See the topic instructions below.
Requirements: The readings for this Writing Workshop MUST be from the assignments in the selections below; word count = 1,000+ words.
Use THREE quotations from the reading you choose but NO outside sources. RESPOND briefly to 2 students’ submissions. Please read my comments. Ten sentences
minimum for the assigned reading you chose.
Grammar and mechanics weigh heavily for this assignment. Please proofread and revise as needed prior to submission!
Reading Choices:
Read “Winning the Future: Improving Education for the Latino Community”
Read “From A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” by Frederick Douglass
Read “The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx (with Definitions)
Topic: So, as you can see from the assigned readings, this is not a happy course. In fact, I’ve often been told by students that reading these materials and learning some of the histories behind them can be very depressing. Reality is, unfortunately, not a joyous state when we learn about inequality and exploitation though it’s always been with us.
Critical thinking gives us the tools to analyze and discuss our current circumstances and to describe the power structures that support the way things are.
In this assignment, choose one of the readings above.
Use 1000+ words to explore and connect the reading with a current “real life” issue that concerns you. This MUST BE A FOCUSED, IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF THE ASSIGNED TEXTS FROM THIS CLASS! Use THREE quotations from the reading or film you choose but NO outside sources.