You are a Bostonian that witnessed the Boston
Massacre. Discuss why you were there, what were you fighting for, and how you reacted to the event.
(You could also decide to remain loyal to the British or rebel with the Patriots)

This is not an easy decision. Each person knows that they are responsible for their choices, their actions, and the possible consequences of those actions. 

Things to consider: 
1. What options are available to the colonists at this point?
(This may seem obvious but don’t 
skip this step.) 
2. What role might a Patriot, male or female, take before, during, and after the firefight? How 
might a loyalist respond? Please provide at least two ways each of these might put their beliefs 
into action. Specific historical examples will better demonstrate an understanding of the 
situation; avoid vague or unsupported responses. 
3. What consequences might stem from these actions?
Consider specific ways people’s 
decisions could affect themselves and those around them. How might being a Patriot or Loyalist influence their community? Their families? Themselves? 
4. consider your response based on who you are and what you have learned so far in the class. 
If you lived in Boston in 1770, which side would you choose? Think of the societal tensions and 
pressures that may have caused this tumult. Explain why.
Keep your answer historically 
consistent. What might be required of you if you follow through with your decision?
What might be the possible consequences? Would you be willing to take the responsibility to act on your 
MUST USE Sources Below
ml = (Early America) = (boston2)
*Important details
(The facts you bring forward to bolster your argument must be taken from cited sources. In 
citing the sources in your paper… DO NOT USE THE WEB ADDRESS. Instead, use the nickname 
listed in the parentheses.
Bibliographic Citation (must utilize three different sources and citing 
me; class notes do not work!)
The above are your available sources. Use the names in parentheses to identify the works. Ex. – More than fifteen people had their shoes untied by the British (Early America)

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