You will be taking on the role of Prime Minsiter of Economic Policy for the United Kingdom

You will be taking on the role of the Prime Minister of Economic Policy for your Nation. As the
Prime Minister of Economic Policy, you are responsible for identifying 3 Macroeconomic
factors that are adversely impacting the economy of your nation and implementing a potential
solution for each issue. Before your actions can be implemented you must submit a 5-page
(1,000-word minimum) report that details your assessment of the current economic environment
for your country. You are able to choose any available nation in the database with the exception
of the United States; however, you may use the U.S. to compare and contrast where applicable.
The information presented in your paper should be based on the information that you have
learned during the semester through lecture and your textbook. Lastly, each student will have to
present a summary of their analysis to the class via a Power Point Presentation. The Power Point
presentation will be between 3 –5 minutes in length and contain a maximum of 8-slides. (Please
do not include animations or transitions in the slides

Step 1: Go to and select the country and
Macroeconomic factors that you would like to analyze (i.e. GDP, Inflation, Unemployment,
Trade etc.)
Step 2: Research the cause(s) of each Macroeconomic event and document the information in
the paper. (You must use at least 3 academic sources for your research)
Step 3: Identify the solutions that will resolve the Macroeconomic events and thoroughly explain
why the proposed solution will work. (The textbook can be used a source for the solutions)
Introduction – Provide a brief introduction about your country and why you chose it. The
introduction should include things like the native language of the country, the currency they use,
the continent where it’s located etc.
Macroeconomic Factors
Factor 1
Econ 201_Macroeconomics W03 Summer 2023 Writing Assignment
Factor 2
Factor 3
Bibliography – Each source must be cited in APA format
*Please note that spelling and grammatical issues will negatively impact your grade

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