You will submit an essay based on one of the TED talks chosen by The links to the TED talks are below
- Watch the talk, taking detailed notes on what the talk is about and what you find interesting or noteworthy.
- Write in Google Docs or Microsoft Word the following:
1) A summary of the talk (200 to 250 words), including
- Who is the speaker? (Google their name to find biographical information – 2 or 3 sentences is enough).
- What is the talk about?Who is the speaker? (Google their name to find biographical iWhat is the talk abou
What is the talk about?
b) Your reflection on the talk (125 to 175 words), including
- What did you find interesting?
- What question(s) do you have about the topic of this talk.
in this class. Your essays need to have:
Here are some guidelines and examples.
Speaker last name, Initials. (Year). Talk title [Video].
Example: APA reference entry for a TED talk
Sivaram, V. (2020).
Title. (Year).
Example: APA reference entry for a Web resource such as Wikipedia
Charles Darwin. (2022).
Example: APA reference entry for an article with a journal name and a “doi”:
Zagorski, N. (2006).
See example summary on next page to see how to do “in-text” citations of your sou